Family Friendly Businesses Networking Event
Thursday, July 18, 2024 (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM) (EDT)
Family Friendly Workplaces have policies that provide highly valued flexibility and support to employees striving to meet and balance the demands of family and community life, in addition to their job. Such policies can include paid leave, health support, work schedules, and economic support. Family Friendly Workplaces create value for employees, employers, and the local economy – increasing completion of postsecondary education, raising labor force participation, increasing workforce productivity, and helping businesses attract and retain talent, while ensuring that children have the chance to develop and begin kindergarten ready to thrive in school, work, and life.
Find out how to be certified a "Family Friendly Workplace" and connect with other businesses and Thrive by Five partners at this networking event.
Learn more about the Family Friendly Tampa Bay initiative and apply to be certified here.

450 Channelside Dr
Tampa, FL 33602 United States